Crawling how does Google work Imagine

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Crawling how does Google work Imagine

Post by yolifib293 »

The way this important and powerful search engine works. the Internet as a large network of highways in which each road is a link and each intersection is a page. That's why in order to discover all the documents on the Internet Google uses socalled spiders or crawlers with which it scans all the sites on the Internet from which it receives of course access. The next step is to organize and store all these documents and information in complex servers with multiple databases.

More specifically if the spiders start their activity on the Email Marketing List Internet from site A and it has dofollow links to site B C and D these spiders will follow all the links and reach sites B C and D. Once they arrive at a site these spiders memorize it in their databases and organize it based on a varied range of criteria. The diagram below shows you this process in general terms what is and how search engines work What happens when you do a Google search Let's assume that you are interested in reaching an article that explains what link building is and you do this search in Google.


Google searches its database for all the pages that contain the search terms keywords entered by you. The next step that Google takes is to order you a series of results that it considers important for your search. To structure these results Google asks itself over questions. All these questions actually represent several ranking factors.
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