Storage data.When a user logs

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Storage data.When a user logs

Post by Mittu46544 »

It will fill in the registration form with the credentials and submit the form with the unique credentials. The data the device will provide to the test is an object containing the new user's username and password. Add a new row to the type named Replication and then add the following fixture to the object Replication Using this fixture in a test will provide.

You with the credentials of a user th photo editing servies at exists in the database. The user will be removed at the end of the test because the fixture requires a fixture thus triggering a cleanup query. Local Storage Fixture The final fixture required to perform testing of application authentication should allow you to access the test browser's local .


Nto the application their information and authentication token are stored in local storage. Your test will need to read that data to ensure the data got there successfully. Note that it is rather tedious to access this data directly from the test. Creating a fixture to provide this data will only make the data more accessible. Create a new file in the folder.
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