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Nobody Says That Ecological Deconstruction

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:31 am
by 66chandona
Disruptive and devastating like few others, it leaves huge unresolved wounds in our bodies, in our subjectivities and memories. And although some expect a more reassuring 2021, no one can strictly ensure that what opened at the beginning of the decade with the covid-19 pandemic will close with one or more miraculous vaccines. The unleashed dynamic warns us about the contours of a civilizational configuration whose global, regional and national characteristics are not yet fully defined, but whose axes and reference points can be glimpsed.

I would like to reflect on some of them in this article, divided into nine “theses”. 1. The pandemic placed what was on the periphery in the center: it made visible the link between social inequalities special data ownership, as well as the relationship between zoonoses, pandemic and socio-ecological crisis. The covid-19 pandemic placed problems that were previously on the periphery, minimized or invisible, at the center of the scene. On the one hand, it exposed social, economic, ethnic and regional inequalities and the high levels of concentration of wealth, making them more unbearable than ever. After several decades of neoliberalism, it evidenced the decline of basic services, in relation not only to health but also to education (the digital divide), access to housing and habitat degradation.


The spread of the virus showed the failure of a neoliberal globalization model consolidated in the last 30 years under the World Trade Organization ( WTO ).), which does not mean that neoliberalism is dead or dying; far from it. The crisis unleashed by the pandemic exacerbated extreme inequalities at all levels. On a Latin American scale, according to an Oxfam report, the economic elites and the super-rich increased their wealth by 48.2 billion dollars, 17% more than before the appearance of covid-19, while the economic recession would cause 52 million people to fall in poverty and more than 40 million lose their jobs, driving a 15-year setback for the Regio none.