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Presumably, Apple B2c Email List Commands a Pretty

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:25 pm
by sk58963
Penny to use google as the default search provider for safari on ios devices, but yahoo is also known to command a very high tac rate. According to sec filings, yahoo keeps 93% of the search ad revenue produced by bing ads on b2c email list yahoo properties. If yahoo has a similar arrangement with google, it would push google’s tac rates higher. At least for q1, the shift to mobile (and apple devices) is likely still the dominant factor, as google pointed out, but yahoo could be a significant piece as well, and will be more so if it continues to ramp up its use of google ads. It seems a lot easier b2c email list to trigger plas on yahoo last, but not least, go conduct a product-related search on yahoo. If your experience is like mine, there’s a very good chance that you will see google plas.

While the plural of “anecdote” may not be “data,” if it were not so easy to trigger PLAs on Yahoo, it would be a lot harder to take the real data b2c email list above seriously. Why Should Advertisers Care? While the business dealings between Google, Yahoo and Microsoft may be of more interest to their stockholders than they are to day-to-day b2c email list marketers (particularly with a potential Yahoo sale looming), this type of development can have meaningful ramifications for search practitioners. It’s always important to understand the major external factors that are shaping our search programs so that we b2c email list better assess performance and more intelligently prioritize our work. Often a major change, announced or not, requires timely action just to avoid a negative outcome.


If Yahoo is indeed in the process of significantly ramping up its use of Google Shopping Ads, some marketers may need to reassess their budget allocations, particularly if those budgets are platform or ad format-specific. A large influx of b2c email list Yahoo traffic to Google PLAs could also negatively impact overall PLA conversion rates (this appears to be happening), requiring a reassessment of bidding and/or campaign segmentation strategies. Finally, we can’t rule out text ads as being in play here, which would up the stakes, but the data is not as clear. It does make sense, however, for Yahoo to make a big move with PLAs first as it is the newer of the two major search ad formats b2c email list Bing has had less time to catch up with Google on the monetization front in the product ad space.