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Brings With It. You Can Benefit

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:06 am
by sadiaseo12912
The project team tests the MVP on the targeted target group and collects as much feedback as possible. With the data collected, the hypotheses can be confirmed or refuted. The team learns from it, adapts its concept and makes new assumptions. The build-measure-learn cycle starts from the beginning.

Example: Application of BML and MVPs according to Lean Startup Concepts for Apps, software, online shops and other digital products are ideal for an approach based C Level Contact List on the lean startup method. Nowadays, these can usually be developed with a manageable budget and in a short time. An example: A company wants to digitize its sales.


To this end, it has developed a concept for a large omnichannel platform that business customers and end customers should use. In order to realize this idea, the company would have to invest at least two to three years and a single to double-digit million sum using a classic approach. Large project teams and external consultants would be necessary to develop new systems and connect existing ones.